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Trust your intuition and feel better

One With Nature

Meet Amara, the founder of Earthstar Rising - a site dedicated to helping people help themselves and finding their path to Ascension.

Hi Beautiful People,


I’m sharing my story and my channeling in order to give people hope and to guide them into a new reality. No matter what situations we are dealt with in life, we have the capacity to turn them around. The key is to know how, I have chosen to share some of my story in the hope of awakening people into a new reality of peace, love and pure intent.


Born into a very emotionally abusive household, my life was extremely difficult. At a young age I was able to see, feel and smell the dark energies in my surroundings. Spirits would follow me around, as I lived and breathed a low vibrational frequency, I would attract a multitude of down trodden circumstances due to my ancestral programming. I spent many years resisting my life on planet Earth, I grew up depressed and suicidal, I didn’t feel good about myself, as I did not know how to. Little did I know that I subconsciously continued to recreate the misery that I had grown up with. Little did I know that the trauma was my comfort zone. It was the limitation of all I knew and all that I had been taught.

I looked for love in narcissistic relationships, which was nothing more than a repetition and a pattern from the trauma in my past. This created patterns and cycles of me giving away too much of myself and too much love in order to feel some sort of longing and comfort somewhere in this world.


Then suddenly at the age of 29 my entire life changed. I was at work ordering stock from a rep, when something bit me on the leg. It was incredibility itchy, there was a big welt on my leg. The next day I was at a wedding where my leg began to swell and weep. By the time, I got to work on Monday, I began to hallucinate. Apparently I had been bitten by a redback spider, I had septicemia and continued to hallucinate for 3 months. During this time, I was transported to past incarnations mainly Native American. I was shown the dynamic of energies and what Whiteman had created for the indigenous cultures.


No Dr or medication could cure me or bring me back. Eventually a customer who was a clairvoyant contacted me. She had a friend who was a healer, who she sent to my house. I had never dealt with a healer before and had no idea what to expect.


After a couple of energetic clearings, I began receiving messages as to why I wasn’t getting better. I was told that the spider bite had created an over-load of toxins in my system. I was told to go onto a diet of fresh fruit, veg and nuts, after 1 week I was able to function again.


During this time I fell pregnant with my son, after many complications and difficulties my son was induced 1 month early. By the time he was 2, he was borderline autistic, which I healed via food. But by the time he was 6, he was a bubble boy who was intolerant to over 90% of food and smells. He was also depressive ADHD and Aspergers. He was terribly ill all the time, at 6 I was told he would die. The apparent only band aid that would prolong his life was antidepressants. I walked away from the specialist that day never to return. I took my son home, I randomly went through the phonebook and rang a random Native American Indian Medicine Man, I asked him if he could help my son. He said yes. I took my son in, this man took one look at me and said, “If you do not do something about your anger, you will have the most difficult life ever.” He then balanced my sons DNA.


That night my son ate a tomato, he didn’t get sick. I was so excited, I rang the Medicine Man the next morning asking him to teach me. This was the beginning of a new journey. I went and learnt his teachings and my son could now eat without terrible repercussions. I started working on my self esteem, I suddenly had the confidence to go and learn multiple energetic modalities. Even though my son could now eat, he still suffered from depressive ADHD and Aspergers which pushed me to go deeper and deeper into a whole new journey of discovering self.


After I finished my courses, I finally had the courage to walk away from my sons father, who had a beautiful heart, but had major drinking issues. When I told him we were leaving, he took all the money from my bank accounts and gave us 2 week to move out. We moved through the fear and miraculously without a cent, a granny flat was gifted to us, next to a creek out on a beautiful reserve.


This is where I took my son with just our personal belongings and walked away from our old life. I left my ex all the brand new furniture, as we moved in. Everything we seemed to need to live manifested itself. My son was off school a lot, due to his emotional welfare, so it was extremely frightening. I pushed myself to look for work, but knew in my heart that I had to be there for my son also. I had brochures printed offered healing services. I did not get one reply.


Each time I saw the Medicine Man, he would ask me if I had been working on myself, which was always a yes. At the same time, I was pushing myself to find ways to provide for my son with no avail. Then one day I walked into an op shop. I picked up a book, I opened to a page it said, “if nothing is working out for you step back”. The next day I decided to do just that. I sat out near my back creek. A voice came to me, it said, “you need to go for a walk out on the reserve”. I said no, I’m stepping back. The voice continued to return louder and louder, until I got up and started walking on the reserve.


I looked up in the trees, I asked if I was there to gather vine for dreamcatchers. I was told no, I needed to head down to the creek. I walked down to the creek and looked down, there were 2 grey feathers, I then asked, am I here for the grey feather. I was told no, but I now had to follow the creek bed back to my house. It was only a few minutes away. I followed the path as directed, by the time I was out the back of my granny flat, I had gathered over 80 white feathers. I sat by the creek and gave Great Thanks. I then asked, this is beautiful, but what is the purpose of this? I was told my name was white feather, I then sat on the land daily for up to 6 hours, where the land and spirits spoke to me, where I was taught how to clear my timelines, travel into past lives and work on energy at a completely different level.

The more work I did, the more my sons emotional welfare improved. I was an artist and a crafts person, so after 3 years, I decided it was time to now start making some money. As I was on my path, it was as if I was looked after the entire time.


As I started the market, we were finally forced to move, due to new neighbors with terrible addictions. I was gifted another space a couple of suburbs away, I started my market, where I was approached by a beautiful Asian lady. We spoke for a while, my story came up about white feather. She looked at me wide eyed, she had seen a clairvoyant 2 days earlier that told her she was to work with someone named White Feather. From that moment on, I was completely booked out through multiple recommendations.


Over the years, I have been made to stop, to learn and channel messages. My son is now 20, and is the most calm and beautiful 20 year old I know. I didn’t realise that these beautiful sensitive children were sent here to assist on clearing their parents. I realized that he was projecting my trauma back at me. Chemical Sensitivity and Sensitive Children will be my next book in the making where I will hopefully be able to share more of my unique stories, which will hopefully help others heal their core wounds and have a wonderful life.


Thank you for reading. I am eternally grateful to my son, Kris, Running foy and all the beautiful people that have blessed me along my path.


Big love and hugs


Xoxoxox Amara.


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