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Clearing Stubborn Energies


Updated: Jan 9, 2024

*you may wish to listen to this audio version of the the article below - the audio file is read by Amara with Shamanic Music and Nature Sounds in the background tuned to 432hz*

Hi Everyone, welcome to my clearing stubborn energies meditation.

Sit somewhere comfortably, earth is always best, close your eyes.

Now I want you to breathe in. Breathing in to the count of seven. Hold for seven and release. Okay, and again we're going to breathe into the count of seven. We're going to take all the thoughts from our mind.

Taking all the thoughts from your mind, hold for seven, and breathing it all into your heart.

Okay, again, breathing in, breathing into the count of seven, hold for seven, and releasing all the energy from your head and breathing it all into your heart.

Okay, now one more time, breathing into the count of seven, hold for seven, and release.

Now I want you to see yourself sitting in the middle of the most beautiful field you've ever seen. It's got the most amazing, vibrant flowers all the way around you, in every color and every hue, and you feel comfortable in this sacred space. And in the midst of the field, there's a giant tree.

It's a really old, ancient tree and it's amazing. I want you to walk from the field and start walking to this most beautiful tree, this magnificent tree. Okay, slowly walking over and as you get closer to the tree, you see that there's a cavern in the side of it and I want you to walk in, see yourself walking into the cavern.

As you're walking into this cave, it's like a crystal cave and you'll see the most beautiful crystals all the way around you and you're feeling very, very comfortable in this space. In front of you, you're going to see ten steps and see yourself travelling down the ten steps, walking down the ten steps.

Okay, we're going down. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. When you get to the bottom of this stairwell, there's a doorway. I want you to open up the door, you're going to walk through the other side, close the door and in this space, you're in a space of absolute nothingness.

You're in a space of unlimited time and space and see yourself standing in absolute nothingness. And the only thing you will see before you is 22 steps. We're going to travel down these 22 steps. to take you further down into the alpha state of mind. Going down the steps, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, going down further and further, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, going down further and further, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. One.

As you get to the bottom step, you will see yourself standing on a cliff ledge. Off this cliff ledge you can see the most beautiful scenery, the most beautiful landscape. You'll see the ocean and then along, there'll be tracks running along the bottom next to this ocean and looking straight down this cliff you will see an abode.

The abode, it may be a temple, it may be a tipi, it may be a castle. In that abode, whatever that may look like, these are the ancestral keepers of the land. And it's your roots that reside in this abode. So as we're standing on top of this cliff, we call forth for your spirit bird to come down and fly you down the cliff to your ancestral lands.

We're flying down to the ancestral lands to connect with your roots and your ancestral guides. Calling forth our spirit bird so that we may connect to our ancestral roots. I want you to see the most beautiful, magnificent bird coming towards you.

See yourself sitting up above the bird, on top of the bird, it's going to fly you down. It's taking you down, you're travelling all the way down the cliff. You can feel the air and the wind through your hair. You're getting closer and closer to your ancestral abode.

Okay, so this bird just drops you off you hop off and as you get down.

See yourself walking towards your abode, knocking on the door, and your ancestral guide will be waiting for you and in this sacred space, take a look at what culture they are, what their customs are as you're in this space, allow yourself to connect and as you connect, ask for permission to access your ancestral lands.

Taking your time to connect to your ancestral guide and to learn just a little bit more about yourself and where you're from, what you're about.

When you're ready to leave, walk out and give thanks. As you're walking out and giving thanks. There's a path to the left start following that path, you're following that path all the way around the cliff base, keep on walking and walking until you reach the ancient forest, all the colours in the forest are vibrant, everything is alive, you feel alive, extremely high frequency, you've been here before.

In this space you feel a sense of comfort and familiarity. Keep on walking. As you continue to walk into the forest, keep on walking and walking until you reach an overgrown city. You'll reach an overgrown city and in it its architecture is vibrant and amazing, it's like things you've never seen before.

You've been here before, but this is just triggering you, it's a memory. Walk directly to the altar that stands directly in the middle of the city and keep on walking until you get to this altar. The altar will now be standing directly before you, if you look just behind the altar, there's a crystal grid, it's like a matrix.

This crystal grid holds power from your direct ancestral lines. The energy on this magical crystal grid, it just feels amazing. You feel at home, you feel at peace. It's such a beautiful space. I want you to now lie down on this grid, see yourself lying down on this grid and as you lie down on this grid, feel the energy pulsating and vibrating through your entire being.

Feeling energy vibrating and pulsating through your entire being and as you're in this space, we ask for all external energies that are not yours and that do not long belong to you to be released from your energy field. We ask for all external energies that are not yours to be released from your mind, body, soul and spirit.

As you feel this crystal grid and the energy pulsating throughout your entire being, start seeing the energy slowly lifting up from your energy field. The energy is slowly lifting up from your energy field. We're asking any energy that is lifted from your being, we ask it to be transferred to the temple of light, to be recycled into the frequency of love.

All this energy that you're seeing leaving your energy field, we ask for all the energy to be released and we ask it all to be sent to the temple of light, to be transmuted into love.

I want you to keep on continuing to send this energy that you've taken on, continually sending back this energy, until you feel vibrant, and clean, and clear. Asking for all external energies that we have taken on, whether it be through projection, whether it be through absorbing too much, no matter what the story is, we ask that all this energy be released, sent back to the temple of light, to be transmuted into love.

We visualize and we ask for all your energy attached to any other people to be released from their energy fields and we ask that this energy is directly returned to you. First of all, any energy that you've given away, or any energy that anyone may have taken, we see this energy returning back to the ancient altar, to be cleansed and cleared, and to be returned to you.

Converted into the frequency of love, as it does so, see it returning back into your energy field. Any energy returning from anyone that's taken your energy has projected or anything, or where you've given too much energy away. We ask this energy returning back to the ancient altar where it can be cleansed and cleared and converted into the frequency of love.

As it's converted into the frequency of love we see that all this energy returns back into your mind, body, soul and spirit cleansed and cleared. All the energy is now being returned to your mind, body, soul and spirit cleansed and cleared.

If there's anyone you know that's attached to this energy and this exchange of energy, visualize the person involved surrounded by a pink bubble of love light and send them back to the temple of light where they can heal and love and become strong again within themselves. We ask that all the energy is transmuted into love.

Now I want you to focus, and I want you to focus on the back of your neck. The back of your neck is meninges, it's a pressure point for your emotional body. As you sit in this sacred space, we ask what the emotion was that allowed this person into your emotional body and energy field. We go into the nape of our neck, the back of our neck, the pressure point for emotions, and we ask what the emotion was that allowed this person into your emotional energy field.

We ask spirit to bring this person to the surface to clear, to be remembered for when we come into the present moment. So we ask spirit to bring this emotion to the surface to be cleared. So when we return back to the present moment, we have a memory of what that emotion is.

I want you to see a big blue light coming from the crystal grid and see it running through your entire energy field, through each and every chakra, seeing it dissolve any residual energy left behind from this person's energy or anyone else's energy.

We also ask to release all hooks in from your field, releasing all hooks, all ties, all cords, from your field, from your mind, body, soul and spirit and we allow the blue light to dissolve all energies attached.

When you're done, I want you to seal up the back of your neck, your emotional point with a beautiful pink love light, just sealing it over. Now we will ask the crystal grid to light up your aura and expose any holes in your auric field that need to be sealed.

We ask the crystal grid to begin healing these holes and as you do so, see coloured lights go through and heal every single hole until your aura is completely cleared. But with that too, we ask that all emotions are brought up on a physical level to be cleansed and cleared and dealt with. We ask the crystal grid to begin healing these holes and see coloured lights go through and heal every hole until your aura is completely cleared,

Sending all the energy through until the energy is completely cleared, until your aura is nice, clean and clear.

We now ask the crystal grid that any dormant energies that have been taken from us, that come from the light, we ask that they be reactivated, we ask to bring life back into any dormant energy centres.

We ask that all dormant energies in our energy field that come from light be reactivated.

We see coloured lights and energies going through each and every one of our veins. Pushing out any blockages. See the most beautiful, bright, colored lights and energies running through all your veins, see them running through your energy points, see them running through your energy centers.

We ask to activate. Activate. Activate. As you're in this space, Focus on all the energies in your body, seeing all the beautiful coloured lights, going through all your veins, all your energy points, all your energy centres. You have to activate, activate, activate. And as this is happening, see all the energies and all your centres spinning again.

Everything's spinning and you start feeling alive.

Everything's coming into alignment and back to life and we ask for all the positive parts of yourself, your mind, body, soul and spirit, your inner being, that you pushed away in order to protect yourself. We ask them to come back into your body. It is safe now. We ask for all the positive parts of your soul that you pushed away in order to protect yourself.

This is your inner child, we ask your inner child to return into your body. It is safe now. And as this happens, see yourself actually coming back into your body. See all the fragmented parts of your soul returning back into your body. And asking for all your energy to be realigned.

Asking all fragmented parts of our soul to come back into your body, cleansed and cleared. Asking for all the energy to be realigned.

Once you're done I want you to slowly sit up. Always give great thanks to Spirit for the healing.

I want you to take a look around.

Take a look all the way around you. Really breathe in the essence of where you are. In this space you'll find an item of beauty and it may be a flower, it may be a crystal. I want you to go and grab it and place it on top of the altar as a token of gratitude and then you can start walking back to the path, heading back.

Heading back to your ancestral abode, I want you to give thanks to your ancestors and ask if they have any messages for you.

Just allow you to sit in sacred space.

Just listen for a moment, see if there's anything you need to bring back with you.

Once you're done, give great thanks for the connection, give great thanks for your ancestors, where they have got you to today. Once you're done, you call forth your spirit bird. And allow yourself to fly back up the cliff.

As you get to the top of the cliff, you can head back up the stairs. We're heading back up. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Going up further and further. Seven. Eight. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, we're getting closer and closer, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.



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