*you may wish to listen to this audio version of the the article below - the audio file is read by Amara with Shamanic Music and Nature Sounds in the background tuned to 432hz*
Once we rise out of the 3D reality into the fourth dimension, we become the gateway to the 5D reality. The 4D reality is the phase of awakening where we realize that there is more to life than what lies before us. In the 4D reality, there is a strong desire to find your purpose and follow your passions.
This is the in between space where we are called upon to let go of the fear and trauma of the 3D reality. In the 4D reality, your intuition begins to grow. Your search for a deeper meaning in life and the synchronicity and magic of the universe begins to unfold before you. When we have continued to clear and let go, we come into unity consciousness within.
There is no good or bad, there just is. Everything that occurs is for the higher purpose. In this space, we become one with all that is. Everyone is equal and you have the capacity to align with the higher frequency of pure unconditional love and pure authenticity. There is no higher or lower beings. We understand that everyone has a different journey and contract to fulfill in this divine space of love.
Once we awaken to the state of consciousness of the 5D reality, we can choose to travel into the 3D reality. But we also understand that energetically within, for our higher selves, we cannot remain there, as it can become dark, heavy, or uncomfortable. Realistically, if the 3D reality, was in the 5D reality, they would feel exactly the same, so there is no good or bad.
There's purely just an acceptance of all that is. Our state of being and consciousness is a personal choice. We cannot force another to heighten their frequency. As if they aren't ready, we just need to accept that they are not ready. Accept all that is, and trust in the universe and spirit. Knowing that everything is in its divine order.
We cannot hold ourselves back for anyone or anything. We also cannot push anyone to move forward. If we judge and do so, there is more clearing to be done.