*you may wish to listen to this audio version of the the article below - the audio file is read by Amara with Shamanic Music and Nature Sounds in the background tuned to 432hz*
Hi beautiful people,
Today we'll be working on a meditation to recognize your light and especially when the gray veils are coming through and trying to block beautiful pure source energy from coming through. So as always, find somewhere very, very comfortable to sit. Earth is always best. And once you're comfortable, close your eyes.
 Take a big, big deep breath in, breathing into the count of seven.
Hold for seven.
And release. and once again, taking all the thoughts from your head, everything from the headspace, any fear, panic, anxiety, anything you may have taken on from the day. You're going to take all the energy, you're going to take a big, deep breath in, breathing into the count of seven.
Hold for seven.
And then breathe all those energies down into your heartspace. Let them all go.
Okay, and again, taking all the thoughts from your mind, taking a big deep breath in to the count of seven,
hold for seven,
and release.
And again, take a big, big deep breath in to the count of seven,
hold for seven,
and release.
Okay, now I want you to see yourself focusing on your beautiful heart space, breathing into your heart.
So gently breathing into your amazing heart space. And we're going to ask your light in your heart space to appear. Seeing a beautiful light in your heart.
And keep on focusing. And allow yourself to feel and see your light.
And we're going to allow this light in your heart space to slowly expand out. And see it taking over any shadows. They may be sitting in your energy field.
And while you're in this space, if anyone comes into mind, or any thoughts come through, anyone that has, does not have a pure intent, will be revealed in this space. So, people's faces, projections and energies may appear. So as you're expanding your own light, bring the energy down into your solar plexus and sacral, so the light.
Anyone that may appear in your energy field. They'll be sorted out in this space, it will all be okay, it will all be cleared. So, as you're expanding your own light, and bringing the energy down into your solar plexus, taking your time, seeing that light expand, this is your own inner light, this is your essence, this is your soul speaking, and then going down to your sacral, bringing that beautiful light down.
Bring it down to your sacral.
And in this space you're sitting in your own divine spark of light, in your own essence. Take your time and allow yourself to sit in this space and align with the sacred energy of your own sacred essence.
If you see any interference in this space, acknowledge it, know that it's okay. We will release it. Just for this moment in time, override anything. that's trying to interfere. Okay, you're going to go down to your root chakra. In this space you know that your light is larger and more vibrant than any external energy that's attempting to take over.
So just embrace your inner light. Your inner light is stronger and more vibrant and it's totally yours. Okay, so now bringing the energy down through your root chakra. And as it comes down through your root chakra, I want you to see the energy split in two and it's going to go all the way back up around you, so you're going to see it expanding outwards all the way around you.
We're going to see the energy slowly going up further and further through each and every chakra. So we're going to head back up through your root chakra, bringing your essence, your light with you.
Up through your sacral,
up through your solar plexus,
see the energy slowly going up, up through your heart, going up further and further, bringing your essence with you, up through your throat,
through your third eye
now going up through your crown and travelling up further. You're going to bring this light up, and as this light goes up, up in the atmosphere, see it piercing any grey matter that is external to your field, so we're going to pierce through any grey matter, any heaviness, any denseness that sits up in the airways.
Bring your light up through it, and it will break the energy apart.
So you're going to go up further. And further through the grey matter. Dissipatating all the energy up as you go. Going up further and further.
Releasing all the grey matter. Piercing through it. Knowing that your light is stronger than anything else. So going up further and further through the ethers. Piercing through all the grey matter. Going up further until you reconnect with pure source. So when you get up. Up in the ethers and you're sitting with pure source.
Allowing yourself to connect.
And as you connect, the energy is going to slowly flow back down. So you're going to feel the channels that you've just opened by bringing your light up through the ethers.
And you've opened it all with your own light.
And it's the beautiful light that you have within you, so you're gonna start coming back down. It's gonna be easier to come back down now 'cause the channels have been cleared. Bring your light back down, coming back down through the ether. See that all the energy is cleared all the way around you. Going all the way through the sky, you are affected by the energies that they've got out in the skies.
Bring the light back down. Bring it down to your crown.
And now you can connect with source energy.
And as we connect with source energy, we ask that all interference that's currently being projected upon us through any and all false negative dark energies to be released. We ask that any dark negative energy that may currently be projected upon us Through any and all false negative dark energies or intentions, be released from our mind, body, soul and spirit.
We ask that all of these energies be sent back to their cause and creation. And we ask that all darkness be transmuted back into love. So bringing this pure source light down, I want you to see it wash down through your entire field and we ask to release. All negative energies, all false energies, all dark, negative, false energies, we ask them all to be released from our mind, body and spirit and we ask they all be sent back to their cause and creation to be transmuted into love.
Bringing the light down, slowly bring it down into your heart. See pure source coming down, sweeping away or washing away all the interference. Especially in your solar and sacral chakras. Really taking your time.
You've got the combined light of pure source and your beautiful essence and light you have within and it's going to sweep away or wash away all the interference in your solar and sacral chakras.
And see all the energy being released from your right hand side. And we're asking that all, any negative, dark energy being released from your right hand side, we ask that it all be returned back to its cause and creation to be transmuted into love.
And if any of these energies try to hold on, go directly to the energy attached to it. You're still standing above it, look down upon it, and continue to send light down onto the energy.
The darkness cannot withstand the light, so keep on sending light down onto the energy. Until any stubborn energies release themselves, and as they release themselves, they will float away.
If there's any energies that are trying to hold onto your energy field and will not release, Directly face the energy, see yourself standing above it, looking down, and continue to send light down on the energy until they have no other choice but to release themselves. And as they release themselves, they will float away.
All the energies floating away, we ask to send them back transmuted into love. And we want you to go through each and every chakra, bringing the light down, washing out any negativity, seeing it all come out of the right hand side of your energy field. Going back up into the portal of the temple of light to be transmuted into love.
And keep on doing this until your energy feels light again.
Releasing all negative energies. Any dark negative energies releasing them all from your mind, body, soul and spirit. Going down through each and every chakra, coming up to your right side and sending all the energy back to the temple of light to be transmuted into love.
Once you feel clean and clear and you feel light again, we now ask for all fragmented parts of your soul to be returned into your body. Once you're light and feel clean and clear again, we ask for all fragmented parts of your soul to be returned back into your body, cleansed and cleared.
And in this space, see a beautiful golden and mauve light being pumped into your solar and sacral chakra, affirming, I bring all my power back to me, cleansed and cleared. I bring all my power back to me, cleansed and cleared. I bring all my power back to me, cleansed and cleared.
See the beautiful golden ray and mauve light being pumped into your solar and sacral chakras. This is your own energy coming back to you. Feel all your energy coming back into your solar and sacral, and it feels warm, and it feels comfortable, and you begin to feel stronger and stronger. Affirm, I bring all my power back to me, cleansed and cleared.
I bring all my power back to me, cleansed and cleared, I bring all my power back to me, cleansed and cleared. Once you feel that you're done, breathe back into your beautiful heart energy, breathing it all out, all the way around you, expanding it all the way out, as far out as you can go.
See your amazing aurora borealis of colour, circulating all the way around your beautiful heart protection space. And affirm, I close my aura, to all except my own high self vibration and so it is.
Open your eyes and affirm, I am in the present moment. I am in the present moment. I am in the present moment. I give thanks and so it is.