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Understanding DNA Cleansing - Part 2


Updated: Jan 9, 2024

*you may wish to listen to this audio version of the the article below - the audio file is read by Amara with Shamanic Music and Nature Sounds in the background tuned to 432hz*

Hi Beautiful People,

Welcome to Part 2 of Travelling into your DNA.

Hopefully you've written down if there are any energies or ancestor cycles that were predominantly sitting in your strands of DNA. Now we want to head straight back down into your strands of DNA. So breathing straight back down.

You're going to head back into your strands of DNA, heading back into the solar plexus. And this time we set an intent to access a strand of DNA that holds the information from your first original timeline. This time we ask to access the strand of DNA that holds the information from your first ancestral timeline on planet Earth.

As you're sitting in this space, there's going to be one strand of DNA which will appear more dominant than the others. This dominant strand of DNA, I want you to see yourself becoming one with it and travelling down into this strand of DNA. Bringing all your energy down into this strand of DNA as if it's travelling deeply inside of your, your, your own body.

You're going to go in and you're going to travel into this strand of DNA and you're going to go deeper and deeper. You're traveling deeply from your solar plexus going down further, going deeper and deeper into your sacral chakra.

Taking your time, traveling directly into your sacral chakra, down into your root chakra, and going deeper and traveling deeply into the earth. Going down further and further.

Travelling down to the sacred womb of Mother Earth. Going deeper and deeper. Then heading down further and further. We're going to head down into the sacred ancient timelines. Going down deeper and deeper.

To your original incarnation. Going beyond all that you know. We're going to head down, going deeper and deeper down past the core of Mother Earth. We're heading down to the second dimension. Going down deeper and deeper until a doorway appears.

Keep on going and all of a sudden the doorway will appear on your left.

Once you see that doorway on your left, stand before the doorway, as you stand before the doorway, call forth your sacred gatekeeper.

Sacred Gatekeeper, please come forth this is the Sacred Gatekeeper from your original timelines.

Keep on calling your Sacred Gatekeeper forth until a figure appears before you. Take your time and reacquaint yourself with this beautiful being.

Give them a lot of love.

In this sacred space, we ask for access to your first original timeline on Mother Earth. In this sacred space, we ask the gatekeeper for access to your original timeline on Mother Earth. Once the gatekeeper gives permission, you may enter. Allow yourself to walk in, as you walk in, you're going to walk into a completely different space.

As soon as you enter the doorway, close the doorway and look directly down at your feet. First of all, you need to see what are the coverings on your feet. Do you even have coverings on your feet? Take a look at what colour is your skin. Allow yourself to focus and take your time. What colour is your skin?

What type of earth do you stand upon? Is it grass? Is it dirt? Is it ice?

Just allowing yourself to become one with the space. What type of earth are you standing upon? Take a look at your body. What colour is your skin?

And then have a look, what type of clothing or jewellery are you wearing? If any at all?

Just allowing yourself to take your time and take a look all the way around you. What does the landscape look like? What are you surrounded with? Is it trees, creeks, forests, oceans? What do your surroundings look like?

Allow yourself to absorb the energy.

And just to feel what it feels like to be in this ancient sacred space. How are you feeling at the moment? What does it feel like in this ancient sacred space?

What does it look like?

Taking your time.

We ask to travel into the heart of this sacred space, so the main energy center.

Use your intuition and allow spirit to guide you there. Allowing spirit to guide you into the sacred space, into the heart of this beautiful area. Taking your time, there may be paths or tracks or, you know, whatever feels right to you.

Allow yourself to the heart of this sacred space, to the main energy centre.

Follow spirit, and once you feel that you're there, allow yourself to sit in the midst of the main energy center, which is the heart of this sacred space. We're sitting in this ancient timeline, we're sitting in the heart center, the heart of this sacred space. I want you to take your dominant strand of DNA that brought you to this sacred space and plug it into the heart.

Your strand of DNA that brought you into this sacred space, plug it into the heart. As you plug it in, see the energy of your DNA going directly down into the heart. You're allowing yourself to connect to the main energy centre of your first incarnation on earth.

See a download going through, but also an upload coming through from that sacred center. Beneath you, the heart, you'll see veins and passageways. As you plug your DNA, you'll see a light coming up through your DNA and it's traveling into the veins beneath the heart.

See the energy going down deeper and deeper ,see the light flow through the veins, clearing and cleaning any blockages. The veins are the ancient channels, emotional centers, which keep on going until the energy feels clean and clear.

Keep on going until the energy feels clean and clear.

As always, you can send all the blockages and dark energies that are trapped in the veins, you can send them back to the temple of light to be transmuted into love. Sending all the energy back to the temple of light to be transmuted into love.

Keep on going until the heart center is clear.

Then allow the crisp, clean energy from the heart center to be uploaded back into your system via the strand of DNA. Allowing all the uploads from ancient sacred space. to be uploaded back into your entire being via the heart center which is your original energy.

Bring your original energy back up from your heart center of first incarnation on earth.

Bring all the energy back up into you, in the second dimension.

As you get closer and closer to the upload you'll feel your strand of DNA coming back up above the Sacred Energy Center.

When your strand comes back up above the Sacred Energy Center, you can turn around and start walking back. You're going to start walking back to the doorway, slowly heading back, bringing your beautiful new energy with you. Keep on going to the doorway, keep on walking back. Spirit will guide you back to the doorway.

As the gatekeeper opens the doorway, you can ask them any questions you like. You can ask what the name is of your sacred space, of where your first incarnation was, you can ask if there's any messages they would like to relay.

And really take your time and allow yourself to, to connect with the sacred gatekeeper.

Once you're done, give great thanks.

We're going to start travelling back up. Heading out of the doorway and closing the door. And you're going to start travelling back up further and further to the core of the earth. See yourself rising up through the layers of earth, we're going up further and further to the core of the earth.

As we rise up through the core and the layers of the earth, we ask to raise our frequency back up as we go. You're going to go up further and further. Back up to the sacred womb of our mother earth.

Allow yourself to absorb her energy. Give great thanks. Going up further and further through the layers of earth, up through your root chakra, back up your sacral, into your solar plexus, focusing back on your strands of DNA, and then I want you to send in a beautiful, bright, pure, yellow light to balance the energy of your solar plexus. See the most clearest, beautiful, clean, yellow light in your solar plexus, balancing all the energy.

Take your time, and slowly travel back up to your heart. Expand your heart energy back out, breathing into your heart.

Expanding your heart energy back out, going out as far as you can go. Surround your heart, feel... With your Aurora Borealis of colour. Knowing that you are safe in this sacred space and that nothing can penetrate this beautiful Aurora Borealis around your heart and around your energy field.

Affirm, I close my aura to all except my own high self vibration and so it is. Then we want to return into the present moment.

When you're ready, open your eyes and affirm. I am in the present moment. I am in the present moment. I am in the present moment. I give thanks and so it is.



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